Back To Basics: Submission Guidelines

So, you’ve finished your manuscript and polished until it shines.  Now it’s time to submit.  More and more agencies are now accepting online submissions.  Generally speaking when you email a submission you are going to paste your query letter and your sample pages into the body of an email, because most places will not accept attachments.

However, always, always, always, check the agency’s submission guidelines.  Follow those guidelines and do not stray from them.  Often, the simple mistake of not checking and following guidelines will automatically lead to a rejection.

If you are mailing, then make sure that it, again follows the guidelines, and two looks presentable.  Do not hand write query letters, type them.  Never send your only copy because chances are you will not get it back.

Now, as for the mailing itself, well it’s funny, everybody has their own opinion.  Some agents I’ve listened to at conferences have said a basic #10 envelope is all you need.  Others like the large, cardboard, letter mailers because of the easy open pull tab.  It’s totally up to you.

Personally, I use the priority mail letter mailers, send it priority mail, and add a delivery confirmation on it, but that’s just me and my personal tastes.