Conference Ready


I’m sorry I haven’t posted in awhile.  I had a few things pop up in my personal life that took precedence.  I should be back on schedule to at least post once a week.

Well, the conference is coming up.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about then go to and click the conference link.  Great organization and fabulous conference.  It’s a great experience.  Anyway, where was I?  Oh yes, if you are going and maybe this is your first time or maybe not I highly recommend that you read a series of posts that Mary Andonian did.  They can be found here:  Be sure and scroll all the way down; she did several posts.  They are all on conference success and being prepared for pitching.  They helped me immensely last year and I’m sure you’ll find them useful too.

The Writers On The Rise blog, which is where the articles are,  has lots of other great posts too, and it  is run  by Christina Katz.

That’s all for now, have to get back to my final touches before the conference.  I’ll be pitching Pelegra, my young adult fantasy book, well series actually.  There are four books planned.

~Happy Editing