Finding Time to Write

Well, I apologize for not keeping up the past few months.  I promise to have new bits of information heading into the new year.  Consider this a check-in post, letting you all know what I’ve been up to.

Right now, I’m trying to overcome obstacles to writing.

These are the obstacles that I face for writing: I work full time with a two hour round trip commute, 5 days a week.  I am currently dealing with chronic health issues, including chronic pain.  I have an 8 month old baby.  My laptop decided to stop fucntioning in any capacity except occasional web surfing.  So when do I write?  That’s a damn good question.

Before I was on the medications that I am now, I was getting up an hour early.  That’s when I was writing.  So I guess my advice to you is that if you want this. If writing is your air.  If that’s how you breathe and function.  Then you make the time.  Look at your day.   Can you give up one hour of sleep?  Can you write through your lunch?  Can you dictate to a voice recorder as you drive (not operating the recorder of course, just have it recording so it you have an idea you can just say it and then review later.)  Can you give up TV time?  Where can you create time in your life?  That is what you have to ask yourself.

You may be scoffing at me right now.  You may think that this isn’t easy to do, and there are only 24 hours in a day.  You’re right.  It’s not easy to do.  It’s hard.  It’s exhausting, but for me, it’s worth it.  That is something I tend to forget.  I get overwhelmed.  I think about giving up.  But here’s the thing.  I did take a break from writing.  It did not give me more time.  It did not lessen my stress.  Above all, it did not make me happier.  I’m happy when I’m writing.  When I’m not writing, I’m lost.

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