
Well, I’ve started writing again.  This is a huge thing for me because while I was pregnant and the majority of my postpartum (which was fraught with complications) I did not write.  I did not have the energy, time, or brainpower.  Even now, sitting is not my forte so often I am blogging from my phone while laying down, or writing with pen and paper, while laying down.  I am digressing.

Goosebumps.  I’m not talking about the book series, though I did enjoy that series as a kid.

No, I’m talking about reading something you’ve written and knowing that it’s right.  It portrays what you want, has the right emotion and pull.  The chapter or scene has come together perfectly and the end result is goosebumps running up and down your arms or other body parts.

Now it may sound conceited to say that I can get this feeling by reading my own writing, but I am a firm believer that if I cannot manage to entertain myself with my writing then why on earth would I expect others to be entertained by it.

I am reworking the ending of Pelegra and (especially since I haven’t read it for nine months) was particularly struck by the emotion of, well it’s not the last chapter but it’s close to the last chapter.

The point in my ramblings above is read your own work.  Expect it to live up to the books you read for entertainment and if your own writing doesn’t give you goosebumps then maybe you need to rework some things.