Willamette Writers Conference–Should You Go?

Well, of course you should.  Now let me explain why.  The WW conference is large, it’s annual, and it’s amazing.  They bring in agents and editors from across the nation–we are talking people from Penguin, Tor/Forge, Andrea Brown Literary Agency, and other big names.  The workshops/seminars are packed full of information and if you don’t like the one you are sitting in at the moment you are free to get up and go to a different one.

Now, last year and this year I am working as a volunteer for the conference.  I answer phones in the office.  I got asked an interesting question last year.

“If I can’t meet with my agent/editor of choice should I bother going?”

YES.  When you are attending conferences or workshops, it’s not just about who you can meet and pitch to.  It’s also about honing your craft and understanding the business of writing in general and the industry as a whole.  So yes, regardless of if you pitch it’s a worthwhile experience and you will learn a lot.  Plus, it’s exhilarating to be in rooms full of people who completely understand your love for what you do.  It helps renew the creative spirit and often you make friends in the process.  So yes, go, it will be worth your time.

Find out more about the organization and conference here:
