
Busy Weekend

Hi Everyone,

Sorry that I didn’t get a post up this last weekend, but I was busy fixing my car. It decided last week that it did not want to start so I spent the weekend testing all of the electrical components of the ignitions system with an multimeter and a spark tester. My husband helped me change the distributor cap and rotor; the spark plug wires; and the spark plugs. That fixed it. Oh, for any other financially strapped writers out there. The site that I use to help me fix my car is You do have to pay for a subscription (it’s yearly, for around $30) but it’s been worth every penny for me. Anyway, I suppose I am way off topic. Back to writing. Well, I have the new beginning. I have just a few more tweaks and then I’ll put it up. I’m very pleased with it. I am rewriting large chunks and am very happy with how it’s going. Well, I have to get to work, more later.
~Keep Reading.