
Random Ramblings

Well, I spent Monday at doctor due to gastritis. I went to the DR to make sure I didn’t have any gallstones. I’m doing better. I’m getting ready to send off another submission. I’ve also been doing another round of edits, just to tighten things up. I’ve devoted a lot of time recently to learning more about the craft of writing and then applying new techniques to my own writing. I’m mainly making sure my word choice is correct for what I want and that the details are vivid and purposeful. I am also reviewing my sentence structure. Anyway, I’m going to be going to bed soon but I wanted to drop in and say hi. ~ Keep Reading

The Magic Words

Requested Material. Two. Magic. Words.

Ok, so there are other magic words we all wish to hear, like “I love your book I want to publish it” but hey, baby steps.

For right now the magic words are requested material. Out of the slush pile, or well maybe at least moved to the top. I hope.

I mailed off my two submissions today, to the agents that requested them from the Willamette Writers Conference. I used priority mail so they should have them by Friday at the latest.

So now it’s the waiting game…