
Personal Pick Me Ups…

I think that every person (writer or not) deals with days they are down, grouchy, cranky, and completely bitchy. It happens. It’s part of life. When I am in an exceptionally bad mood I can’t focus. Not on my writing. Not on cleaning the house. Not on anything. I’m not really good for anything but sulking.

However, one of the ways I have learned to combat this crankiness is to focus and think about things that make me happy. I also try and do things that I find relaxing (right now I’m listening to a brain sync meditation track by Kelly Howell– and I’m blogging.)

I journal. Regularly. On the back inside cover of my journal I’ve written notes to myself. Things like remember if you are bitchy then pause, breathe deeply, and imagine Pelegra. That almost always calms me down. I’ve written things I’m thankful for. I remind myself that writing is my dream and worth every second of effort. Most importantly I remind myself to believe. Believe in my dream. Believe in myself.

Anyway, so I suggest that you have a happy book–a small notebook with happy thoughts–or even just one page. something you can go to for a personal pick me up.

I’ve also taken to buying inspirational prints. Technically I think they are motivational prints and I realize that sounds cheesy but I really like the two that I have. One of them is of rings left in water after a drop has fallen and says “Serenity: the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” and the other one is of a dock looking across a body of water at a mountain and says “ambition: the world makes way for those who know where they are going.” Oddly enough I bought both of them at Blockbuster.

So when I am down I read my notes to myself and study my prints and they help me remember to keep working toward my goals and believe that I can accomplish them.