
Finding a Way Through Chaos

Chaos. I think that describes how I’ve been feeling perfectly. Whenever life itself overwhelms me and I’m filled with anxiety, doubts, anger, and well every negative emotion possible. I seem to forget, the simplest way to remove all of it. Write. I know that probably sounds corny or stupid, but when know you are meant to do something and you are doing it, everything else just seems to fall away and the world is right again. I know I’ve written about this before, but I often forget my own lessons. I haven’t spent enough time writing lately. Yeah, Monday I had a good excuse. Last night, however, not so much. Tonight and this weekend I am going to finish my final edit of Pelegra and the Son of Merek and rewrite my synopsis. By the way, I hate writing synopses. I really do. It’s so difficult to walk that fine line between enough and too much, plus there’s the whole condensing a book down to a page description. I know, I know, it can’t be that hard right? Oh, I did send off a query to a new agent. I’m hopeful. A member of the writing critique group that I belong to suggested him. So, the waiting begins or I suppose continues.
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Sick and Submissions

I’ve been sick for about a week with Sinusitis/Vertigo the dizziness is finally starting to subside.

Last weekend, before I got sick, I did get several submissions sent out for Pelegra. I also sent a submission to a magazine for a short story that I wrote. So here’s hoping I get some positive, interested responses.

I’ve had a few people read Pelegra and have received positive feedback, so I look at this way, it’s only a matter of time and a matter of finding the right match. No way I’m giving up on my dream now. Well I’m going to go lay down.

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Edit one, mission complete

I finished the first edit of the first draft of Pelegra and the Son of Merek. I figure it I’ll probably do at least two more rounds of editing. What do I mean by round? I mean I go through the entire manuscript correcting one thing. This particular edit was content with some sentence structure thrown in. Next time it will be grammar and/or typos. Though to be honest, I’ll probably have my husband read through it for typos. He’s very good at catching things like that.

Well that’s all for now.

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